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Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes March 7, 2006
Description Gallatin County Commissioners' Journal No. March 7, 2006
Date 03/07/2006 Location County Commission
Time Speaker Note
9:02:55 AM Chairman Vincent Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Commissioners Murdock, Skinner and Vincent, Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan and Acting Clerk to the Board Stephanie Young.
9:03:47 AM   Public comments on any matters within the Commission's jurisdiction. Roger Koopman spoke on proposing on gathering a personnel-recruiting committee to hire CAO. Shelia Walker spoke on the issues of living by the Logan Landfill. Refuse District Chairman Dave Pruitt commented on how the district is dealing with the issues. Dan Griffing spoke regarding East Gallatin Zoning issues.
9:25:55 AM Commissioner Skinner Read the Consent Agenda as follows: 1. Approval of Claims; 2. Review and Approval of Minutes for February 15,17 and 21, 2006; 3. Request/Decision for Mortgage Survey Exemption for Williams; 4. Approval of Contract(s): Interlocal Agreement with the City of Bozeman for the Creation of Facilities at the Gallatin County Courthouse to Provide Public Cable Television Broadcast Capabilities of Public Meetings; Agreement with Bresnan Communications for the Installation and Operation of Equipment for the Broadcast of Public Meetings in the Gallatin County Courthouse Community Room; U.S. Bank Corporate Trust Services; Modification to Contract with Comma-Q Architecture for 3rd District Courtroom Project; Ingram-Clevenger, Inc. for Completion of Restroom and Adjacent Office Space 3rd District Court; Fire Suppression Systems, Inc. - Martel Low Rise (Inspect and Service Sprinkler Systems); Fire Suppression Systems, Inc. - Martel Low Rise (2 Fire Extinguishers); Contract with LSC Transportation Consultants; Paving of Several Roads in Gallatin County- Cameron Bridge Road West, River Road, Cobb Hill Road, and a Portion of Beatty Road; and Community Service Placement Agreement.  
9:28:14 AM Commissioner Murdock Move to approve the consent agenda as read.
9:28:18 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:28:24 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:28:27 AM Chairman Vincent Board Appointment(s):
9:28:37 AM Commissioner Murdock Gallatin County Planning Board
9:29:16 AM   There was no public comment.
9:29:28 AM Commissioner Skinner Comments, I would like to move to appoint Rick Holscher to the Gallatin County Planning Board.
9:29:48 AM Commissioner Murdock Second  
9:29:53 AM   Board Discussion
9:31:43 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:31:57 AM Commissioner Skinner Detention Center RFP Review Committee
9:34:28 AM   There was no public comment.
9:34:49 AM   Board Discussion
9:36:12 AM Commissioner Murdock I move that we appoint Chris Budeski the Chair of this committee and make him a member of the committee that we appoint Bill Tietz as an alternate, that we appoint August (Gus) Phaehler, Bob Dewit and Richard Klein as members, with Bob Dewit to represent the Banking/Finance options aspect, Budeski to represent the Engineering aspect and Tietz & Klein to be members representing the general public, with the Architect slot vacant to be filled either by them or us at a later time.
9:36:54 AM Commissioner Skinner Before I second that, did you mean Pfaehler and Klein to represent the, comments.  
9:37:00 AM Commissioner Murdock I meant Pfaehler and Klein with Tietz as the alternate.
9:37:03 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:37:11 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:37:24 AM Chairman Vincent Public Hearing and Decision on Board of Park Commissioners By-Laws
9:38:12 AM   Commission Comments
9:38:55 AM Open Lands Board Coordinator, Mike Harris  Presentation
9:39:34 AM   There was no public comment.
9:39:46 AM Commissioner Skinner I'll move to approve the Board of Park Commissioners By-Laws.
9:39:50 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:39:59 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:40:06 AM Chairman Vincent Public Hearing and Decision on a Resolution of Intention to Adopt the Four Corners Community Neighborhood Plan & Map
9:40:16 AM Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan Stated that Items #4, #5 and #7 are being requested by the applicants to discuss these issues before preceding with Item #3.  
9:41:12 AM Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp Presentation and Comments: Item #4 Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for Preliminary Plat Approval for the Goldan Minor- continued due to variance requests. Item #5: Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for Preliminary Plat Approval for the Perren Subsequent Minor Subdivision- continued due to applicants unable to appear for the hearing. and Item #7: Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for Preliminary Plat Approval for the Westlake Park Major Subdivision.
9:42:04 AM Mark Chandler, C & H Engineering Comments on behalf of the applicants for regular agenda items #4 and #5.
9:43:11 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Mark Chandler, Greg Sullivan, Jason Karp, and Dale Beland.
9:48:10 AM Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan Item #4: Preliminary Plat for Goldan Minor Subdivision - continued until next Tuesday, March 14, 2006, Item #5: Preliminary Plat for Perren Subsequent Minor Subdivision - continued until next Tuesday, March 14, 2006, and Item #7: Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for Preliminary Plat Approval for the Westlake Park Major Subdivision -continued until further notice.
9:49:02 AM   Commission Comments
9:50:09 AM Chairman Vincent Public Hearing and Decision on a Resolution of Intention to Adopt the Four Corners Community Neighborhood Plan & Map
9:50:24 AM County Planning Director Jennifer Madgic Staff Report
9:54:37 AM Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan Advice  
9:55:17 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:56:04 AM County Planning Director Jennifer Madgic Comments
9:57:10 AM Public Comment Dave Penwell
9:57:57 AM   Discussion between Dave Penwell and Greg Sullivan.
9:59:23 AM Public Comment Steve White and Mike Mahler
10:03:45 AM   Discussion between Mike Mahler, Greg Sullivan, Jennifer Madgic, and the Commission.
10:10:48 AM   Closed public comment.
10:10:54 AM   Discussion between the Commission and Greg Sullivan.
10:12:24 AM Commissioner Murdock I move that we approve Resolution #2006-016, which is a Resolution of Intent to adopt the Four Corners Neighborhood Plan & Map as an amendment to the Gallatin County Growth Policy, with the following amendment that would be something to the effect that this is contingent upon the Belgrade Area Plan being amended to include this plan in their Growth Policy, comments. The language for the amendment would be this: "The boundaries of the Neighborhood Plan include areas that overlap with the boundaries of the Bozeman Area Plan and the Bozeman Donut Plan (the Belgrade Area Plan and the Bozeman Donut Plan) until such time as the Neighborhood Plan is approved as an amendment to the Belgrade Area Plan, the Belgrade Area Plan shall control in the overlap area. In addition, until such time as the Bozeman Area Plan is amended to reflect that the Neighborhood Plan controls in the area that currently overlaps with the Bozeman Area Plan, the Bozeman Area Plan shall control."  
10:14:07 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
10:14:08 AM   Board Discussion
10:14:37 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:14:39 AM   Recess
10:14:46 AM County Planning Director Jennifer Madgic  That was a Resolution of Intention to adopt, 30 days we'll do a Resolution to Adopt.
10:27:53 AM Chairman Vincent Reconvene to meeting. Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for Preliminary Plat Approval for the River Farm Major Subdivision
10:28:13 AM Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp Staff Report, submitted a letter "Comments on River Farm Subdivision" from Richard T. (Terry) Danforth labeled Exhibit A, Item 6.  
10:47:44 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Jason Karp, and Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan.  
10:53:49 AM   Recess
11:10:09 AM   Reconvene to meeting.
11:10:26 AM   Discussion between Greg Sullivan and Ed Matos, Bridger Engineers on behalf of applicant Bradley and Jaqueline Bean, continued indefinitely.  
11:12:15 AM   There was no public comment.  
11:12:43 AM Chairman Vincent Public Hearing and Decision on Reconsideration of Request for Modification of Preliminary Plat Condition #1 (Phasing) for the Northstar Major Subdivision
11:12:44 AM   No Action taken.
11:13:04 AM County Planner Warren Vaughan Staff Report, submitted letters from Glenn and Arlyne Hattleberg labeled Exhibit A, Item 8, dated Jan 30 and March 6, 2006; and from Rosie Faust labeled Exhibit B, Item 8, dated Jan 28 and March 7, 2006; an e-mail was also submitted from Paul Shennum labeled Exhibit C, Item 8, dated March 6, 2006.  
11:22:18 AM Attorney, Matt Williams Presentation on behalf of client, Barbara Campbell, Valkyrie, LLC.
11:25:03 AM Barbara Campbell, Valkyrie, LLC  Applicant Presentation
11:26:21 AM Marty Gagnon, Project Engineer, Morrison-Maierle, Inc. Presentation on behalf of appliant, Barbara Campbell, Valkyrie, LLC.
11:28:19 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Marty Gagnon, and Barbara Campbell.
11:31:22 AM Public Comment Jimmy Lohmeier, Mike Pearson, Scott Johnson, Randy Cain, and Justin Costco.
11:44:06 AM Attorney, John Kauffman Rebuttal  
11:46:07 AM Barbara Campbell, Valkyrie, LLC  Comments
11:46:16 AM   Closed public comment.
11:46:38 AM Commissioner Skinner Comments, finding that this change of conditions complies with the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, finding that it complies with the Gallatin County Subdivision Regulations and finding that it meets the criteria for a change of conditions, finding that a change it was necessary because the applicant was unable to relocate Beck Border Ditch and finding that there was a time extension granted and this makes it impossible to meet the conditions as it reads because of the administrative problems with the time extension. I would move to grant the request for modification for preliminary plat condition #1 of Northstar Major Subdivision.
11:47:33 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
11:47:56 AM   Board Discussion including Warren Vaughan and Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan.
11:53:52 AM   Motion passed 2:1. Chairman Vincent opposed.
11:53:58 AM   There were no Pending Resolutions.
11:54:01 AM   Meeting Adjourned.